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Practical Faith Living


Blackberry Bush with ripe and unripe berries

"Earth's crammed with heaven, 

And every common bush afire with God,

But only he who sees takes off his shoes;

The rest sit round and pluck blackberries"

Elizabeth Barrett Browning


Practical Faith Living centers on the inseparable nature of life and faith; the experience of God in everyday life—from the routine and the mundane, to the mind-boggling and the extraordinary!

Home grown potatoes.jpg
Elderly Aunt (Tantie)
Children and Nature - small child on grass


Website/blogger introduction picture

Hi! I'm Alisa
I'm so glad to introduce you to
Practical Faith Living!


In February 2001, my mom, Roselin (Mazelline) Branch-Medley launched Practical Faith Living, a newsletter devoted to faith in everyday life. The format was simple—a few insights from scripture woven into short paragraphs of hope and encouragement, a poem here, a recipe there...


In short, Practical Faith Living was Mom's testament of faith in the everyday—in the celebration and the challenge, in the mundane and the miracles, in the routine and the remarkable, in the hope and the hardness. For even as she published each issue full of life, and hope, and faith, and gratitude, and encouragement, my stalwart, faith-filled mother knew that the rare blood cancer she was battling had entered its final stages. And thirteen short months after Volume I, Issue No. I, she was gone.


But the story was far from over, and untold volumes and issues remained in the never-ending story of God's love, faithfulness, and hope for the generations. And when my own journey and calling led me here, I finally understood that this is a continuation of the hope and heritage that my mother passed on to me, and to all those around her.  And that it isn't mine to keep, but to share with all who long for hope, healing, and meaning in a crazy, chaotic, mixed-up, world.


One generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty acts.
~ (Psalm 145:4; NKJV)


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The foundation on which Practical Faith Living is built is the Christian Bible. I am not a theologian, or a biblical expert in any way. I have no authority on my own, and rely on Scripture and the help of the Holy Spirit to share my faith in simple, practical ways.


Even if you differ in outlook, I invite you to engage with my content, and I hope that in some way I can provide a cup of water that refreshes your soul.

Weekly Devotionals and Themes


Promise Fulfilled: We Have Seen His Glory


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