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Writer's pictureAlisa B.

Daily Affirmations - Bread of Angels - Day 7

Those who walk righteously and speak what is right—they are the ones who will dwell on the heights… Their bread will be supplied, and water will not fail them (Isaiah 33:15-16).

Our Father, You are in Your holy temple, You are on Your heavenly throne (Psalm 11:4). You alone are the exalted Lord—You dwell on high... You are the sure foundation for our times, a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge... (Isaiah 33:6).

O Lord in these times of change, uncertainty, and constant upheaval, we may well ask, like the psalmist, "When the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do?” (Psalm 11:3). But how reassuring is the reminder You gave to Your people as they too, faced times of distress and upheaval—the reminder that You provide stability, and firmness, and a sure foundation.

Father, how we need a firm footing! How we need Your rich stores of salvation and wisdom and knowledge! We are inundated with noise, and confusion, and data, and information, and massive amounts of detail that require us to constantly parse, and sift, and filter. And in a world full of deceptions and blurred lines, the process is tedious, difficult, and often exhausting.

Lord, You are the God who guides through barriers, and obstacles and treacherous paths. You are the God who made a way through the sea for Your people. You guided them through the wilderness, nourishing them with the bread of angels from Your rich stores.

We too, need Your guidance to take us safely through the deep that surrounds us, through the vast and dreadful wilderness that confronts us. Give us the knowledge, the wisdom and the discernment to navigate the minefields and the pits that encircle us. Teach us to walk in the fear of the Lord (Isaiah 33:6) as we balance family and relationships, work and recreation, decisions and choices—living and life.

Lead us as You led Your people. Teach us to walk righteously, and speak what is right. Guide our feet towards the heights where You dwell—towards the place of promise where our bread will be supplied and water will not fail us.


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