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Writer's pictureAlisa B.

Daily Affirmations - Day 1: Thy Will Be Done


“Thy will be done, as in heaven, so on earth” (Matt. 6: 10).

Child kneeling in prayer

In the will of God we have the perfect expression of His Divine perfection. Because He is a fountain of all beauty and blessedness, His will is inconceivably beautiful and blessed. In it His Divine wisdom and goodness make themselves known...


In the Lord’s Prayer our Blessed Master teaches us to come to the Father with the wonderful petition, that His will may be done on earth, even as in heaven! He calls us to open our hearts to think and lift them heavenwards in real desire and prayer.

He bids us count upon an answer, and according to the power that works in us, expect the experience in such measure as we are fitted for; God’s will done in us and by us, on earth, as it is in heaven. The God who works it in heaven — is our Father, who delights to work it on earth...

There is, first, the will of God’s holy Providence. Everything that happens on earth comes to the child of God as the will of His Father. In His infinite wisdom God so overrules all the evil of men and devils, that in permitting it, He can take it up into His will, and make it work out His purposes.

Joseph says of the sin of his brethren: “Ye thought evil against me, but God meant it unto good.” Jesus said to Pilate: “Thou couldest have no power against Me, except it were given thee from above.” In everything that came on Him, He saw God’s will: it was all the cup the Father gave Him.

It is when the Christian learns to see God’s will in everything that comes to him, grievous or pleasing, great or small, that the prayer, Your will be done, will become the unceasing expression of adoring submission and praise. The whole world with its dark mysteries and life, with all its difficulties, will be illumined with the light of God’s presence and rule.

And the soul will taste the rest and the bliss of knowing that it is every moment encircled and watched over by God’s will, that nothing can separate it from the Love of which the will is the expression. Happy the Christian who receives everything in Providence as the will of His Father.

~ Andrew Murray ~ Thy Will Be Done


My stubborn will at last hath yielded;

I would be Thine, and Thine alone;

And this the prayer my lips are bringing,

Lord, let in me Thy will be done.


Sweet will of God, still fold me closer,

Till I am wholly lost in Thee.

I’m tired of sin, footsore and weary,

The darksome path hath dreary grown;

But now a light has ris’n to cheer me;

I find in Thee my Star, my Sun.

Thy precious will, O conqu’ring Savior,

Doth now embrace and compass me;

All discords hushed, my peace a river,

My soul, a prisoned bird set free.

Shut in with Thee, O Lord, forever,

My wayward feet no more to roam;

What pow’r from Thee my soul can sever?

The center of God’s will my home.

~ Lelia N. Morris ~1900


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