Day 2: In time of trouble
“…And call on Me in the day (time) of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor Me” (Psalm 50:15).
In Time of Trouble Say:
First, He brought me here; it is by His will I am in this strait place: in that fact I will rest.
Next, He will keep me here in His love, and give me grace to behave as His child.
Then, He will make the trial a blessing, teaching me the lessons He intends me to learn, and working in me the grace He means to bestow.
Last, In His good time He can bring me out again – how and when He knows.
Let me say I am here,
1. By God’s appointment
2. In his keeping
3. Under His training
4. For His time
~ Andrew Murray ~ 1895
O troubled heart, be thou not afraid,
In the Lord thy God, let thy hope be stayed;
He will hear thy cry and will give thee aid,
Whate’er thy cross may be.
He is able still to deliver thee,
And His own right hand thy defense shall be:
He is able still to deliver thee,
Then be thou not afraid.
O troubled heart, though thy foes unite,
Let thy faith be strong and thy armor bright;
Thou shalt overcome through His pow’r and might,
And more than conqu’ror be.
O troubled heart, when thy way is drear,
He will rescue thee and dispel thy fear;
In thy greatest need He is always near,
To Him all glory be.
~ Frances J. Crosby ~ 1899