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  • Writer's pictureAlisa B.

Daily Affirmations - Day 2 - Spirit and Life: Wonderful Words

Day 2: Wonderful Words

It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life (John 6:63 – NKJV).

All those who are true disciples of Christ have felt a divinely supernatural power working upon them. First, the Holy Spirit operates to our spiritual quickening. There was time when we were dead in trespasses and in sins: holy feeling was unknown to us, and the life of faith was far from us. At that time we did not desire, nor even know spiritual things…

The Spirit of God came upon us, and we were awakened, aroused, and made to live. You know the Spirit in measure when he breathes upon your dead heart, and it begins to throb with the heavenly life…

As we know His personality, so we know also His divinity, because the Holy [Spirit] works in us effects which none but God could work. Who can give life to the spiritually dead? Who but the Lord and giver of life? Come, Holy Spirit. Come even now.

~ Charles Haddon Spurgeon ~ Intimate Knowledge of the Holy Spirit ~1889

Sing them over again to me,

Wonderful words of life;

Let me more of their beauty see,

Wonderful words of life.

Words of life and beauty

Teach me faith and duty;



Beautiful words, wonderful words,

Wonderful words of life;

Beautiful words, wonderful words,

Wonderful words of life.


Christ, the blessed One, gives to all

Wonderful words of life;

Sinner, list to the loving call,

Wonderful words of life.

All so freely given,

Wooing us to heaven;


Sweetly echo the Gospel call,

Wonderful words of life;

Offer pardon and peace to all,

Wonderful words of life.

Jesus, only Savior,

Sanctify forever;

~ Phillip P. Bliss ~ 1874


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