Day 2: Anthems of worship
The sun has one kind of splendor, the moon another and the stars another; and star differs from star in splendor (1 Corinthians 15:41).
The sun shines in splendor, and blue is the sky,
The birds are all singing with joy as they fly;
The rivers are winding between wooded shores;
The whole world of nature its Maker adores.
Then lift up your voices, ye children of men,
Your hearts lift in anthems of worship again;
For we, too, will praise Him, the Father of love,
Who sendeth His power and grace from above
~ Franz Schubert ~ 1797-1828
Thanks to my 2nd form high school Music teacher, Arlene "Pinky" Lindsey, for the gift of this beautiful anthem of worship all those many years ago! |