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  • Writer's pictureAlisa B.

Daily Affirmations - Day 3 - Informed Decisions: I Am Not Alone

Updated: May 21

Day 3: I am not alone

“My decisions are true, because I am not alone. I stand with the Father, who sent Me” (John 8:16).

We praise You, Lord God our Father, Ancient of Days, You are from everlasting to everlasting (Psalm 90:2). We praise You, Lord Jesus Christ, eternally begotten of the Father, God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God... through You all things were made. For us and for our salvation You came down from heaven: by the power of the Holy Spirit You became incarnate from the Virgin Mary, and You were made man...*

In Your humanity, You showed us how to live—secure in the Father, certain of His goodness, confident in His love.

You showed us how to live in the midst of storm—in the lightning and the thunder, the crashing breakers and the fierce winds.

You showed us how to live in the midst of temptations sharp and keen, in the valley of affliction, and on the road of care. You showed us how to live in the darkness when the cross is heavy and joy has taken wings.

You showed us how to live in desertion when earthly friends are gone—steadfast in the knowledge, "Yet I am not alone, for My Father is with Me” (John 16:32).

Most of all You showed us how to live in Your love—plunged in Your fountain, cleansed by Your mercy, covered with Your grace. You show us how to live in the joy of salvation, the hope of glory, and the promise of Your presence in every storm, every temptation, every valley, every decision.

*The Nicene Creed


I’ve seen the lightning flashing,

And heard the thunder roll,

I’ve felt sin’s breakers dashing,

Trying to conquer my soul;

I’ve heard the voice of my Savior,

Telling me still to fight on,

He promised never to leave me,

Never to leave me alone.


No, never alone,

No, never alone;

He promised never to leave me,

Never to leave me alone.

The world’s fierce winds are blowing,

Temptation’s sharp and keen,

I have a peace in knowing

My Savior stands between—

He stands to shield me from danger,

When earthly friends are gone,

He promised never to leave me,

Never to leave me alone.

When in affliction’s valley

I’m treading the road of care,

My Savior helps me to carry

My cross when heavy to bear,

Though all around me is darkness,

Earthly joys all flown;

My Savior whispers His promise,

“I never will leave thee alone.”

He died for me on the mountain,

For me they pierced His side,

For me He opened the fountain,

The crimson, cleansing tide;

For me He’s waiting in glory,

Seated upon His throne,

He promised never to leave me,

Never to leave me alone.

~ Author Unknown~ Published 1895


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