Day 4: I will be with you
The Lord said to [Moses], “Who gave human beings their mouths? Who makes them deaf or mute? Who gives them sight or makes them blind? Is it not I, the Lord?” (Exodus 4:11).
Sovereign Lord, the self-existent One, the I AM WHO I AM (Exodus 3:14), all people, all things, all events, all conditions fall under Your sovereign power, purpose and will.
You created us in Your image, looked at Your creation, and declared it very good (Genesis 1:27, 31). From Your grand and perfect design came mouths and speech, ears and hearing, eyes and sight. No other blueprint existed before, or afterwards.
Creator God, You maintain sovereignty over the consequences sin brought about— consequences You had warned about when You gave humans free will and choice, explaining to them the staggering costs of disobedience. Those costs are evident in Your creation and in our lives— disability, decay, and death.
Yet, You, O God, do not change. You were sovereign when You explained the costs of disobedience, and You are still sovereign as they manifest in the human experience.
Through the Lord Jesus Christ, Your promised deliverer, You demonstrated Your power over decay, destruction, death, and hell. In His healing and restoring ministry, He displayed God's sovereignty over speech, over hearing, over sight, and over everything pertaining to life, existence, the grave, and beyond.
The Lord Jesus taught us not to judge specific conditions as the result of individual sin (John 9:1-3). But at the same time we are given a clear understanding that the presence of sin in the world is the cause of all that mars the perfection You designed. You have shown us that this will continue until the time comes for God to restore everything as He promised long ago through His holy prophets (Acts 3:21).
So we wait with great expectation and anticipation for the full restoration You promised (Romans 8:18-25). You have shown us that Your word is faithful and Your promises are trustworthy (Psalm 145:13).
And as we wait, You assure us, as You did Moses, that You cover all our inadequacies, You work through our weaknesses. You prepare us, equip us, and empower us, to fulfill Your purpose for our lives. You choose to heal us, to restore us, or to display Your works in our infirmities— all according to Your good will and purpose.
Lord Jesus, You walked this cold, hard earth we travel. You know its skill in manipulating weaknesses, its art in exploiting insecurities. You know that it mocks, questions, challenges, devours, and tears down.
Deliver us from our consent to worldly estimation. When we are tempted to give in to its doubt, fear, intimidation, belittlement— when we falteringly ask You, "Who am I that I should..." remind us of Your never-failing promise, "I will be with you," I will help you" (Exodus 3:12, 4:12).