Day 5: Always and afterward
Yet I am always with You; You hold me by my right hand; You guide me with Your counsel, and afterward You will take me into glory (Psalm 73:23-24).
O Thou who inhabits eternity! By Thee was infant time created, and every rolling year speaks of thy goodness. Help us to regard this new year as a new creation, and ourselves as not less indebted to Thee for life continued, than for life begun.
To Thee we commend ourselves for this new period of our being, and for all the time that we may yet be spared. However seemingly firm, in Thee alone we live, and move, and have our being.
Though surrounded with affectionate and zealous friends, they can do little for us, unless directed by Thee who art the Friend of all. However richly furnished in other respects, without Thy blessing our stores are nothing.
Even our goodness, unsupported by Thee, will prove like the morning cloud and the early dew. Our principal hopes, if Thou dost not maintain and prosper them, will not only fail, but pierce us through with many sorrows.
Forsake us not, O Thou, our only effectual helper, our only sure confidence. In Thy perpetual presence, in Thine unchanging favor, may this year be as those which are past, and more abundant in good. May it more abound with the noblest improvement, be more fruitful of the highest Christian excellence, more full of thankful rejoicing in God.
Enable us to commit ourselves to Thee, without anxiety with respect to the darkness, in which the events of the year, and our interest in them, are involved. Thou seest its whole progress, and Thou wilt provide.
Before its close, our days may be past, and our purposes broken off, even the thoughts of our hearts; yet let not this solemn event harass our thoughts or prevent our enjoying Thy numerous favors. If for any of us the decree is issued— this year thou shalt die— though we near it not, let the execution of the order find us in some measure prepared.
May our end, whenever it comes, be safe, and our last days not only calm, but joyful and blessed.
~ James Hinton~ 1761-1823
Oh, take my hand, dear Father, and lead Thou me,
Till at my journey’s ending I dwell with Thee;
Alone I will not wander one single day,
So do Thou guide my footsteps on life’s rough way.
Oh, cover with Thy mercy my poor, weak heart,
Lest I in joy or sorrow from Thee depart;
Permit Thy child to linger here at Thy feet,
Thy goodness blindly trusting with faith complete.
Though oft Thy pow’r but faintly may stir my soul,
With Thee, my Light in darkness, I reach the goal;
Take then my hand, dear Father, and lead Thou me,
Till at my journey’s ending I dwell with Thee.
~ Julie K. von Hausmann ~ 1862