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Writer's pictureAlisa B.

Daily Affirmations - Hard Truths - Day 3

For Herod himself had given orders to have John arrested, and he had him bound and put in prison. He did this because of Herodias, his brother Philip’s wife, whom he had married. For John had been saying to Herod, “It is not lawful for you to have your brother’s wife” (Mark 6:17-18).

Our Father in heaven, omnipotent God, the Lord Jesus reminded Pilate that the only authority he had was that which was given...from above (John 19:11). We know that Dominion belongs to the Lord, and He rules over the nations (Psalm 22:28).

It was this centering truth that enabled John the Baptist to speak with the same courage to authority as he spoke to religious leaders and crowds of ordinary people (Matthew 3:7-10; Luke 3:3-6).

John was not flattered that Herod the tetrarch, powerful ruler over Galilee, liked to listen to him (Mark 6:20). Nor was he too intimidated by Herod's power and status to speak out against Herod's flagrant disregard for the law, and his refusal to be subject to any authority but his own. And though he paid dearly for his boldness, his moral courage and his integrity, John was willing to declare hard truths in the face of power, and influence and opposition.

Lord, how Your church needs those godly attributes today! How we need the strength, the wisdom, and the confidence to stand before governors and kings as witnesses to them (Mark 13:9) without the taint of corrupting power and influence! How we need the power of Your Holy Spirit, the security of Your presence and the might of godly character to stand for Your truth with uncompromising courage!

O Father, help us! We live in strange and difficult times. Changes are fast and furious; paradigms and norms are shaky and shifting. Teach us to rely on Your Spirit in an ever-changing world.

Help us not to defend wrong even as we have to make difficult choices. Help us to recognize human systems, agendas or philosophies for exactly what they are—human. Help us not to confuse them with Your kingdom agenda. Teach us a mindset of being only on "the Lord's side."

Keep us focused on Your centering truths. Give us wisdom and discernment, clarity and courage, so we are not deceived by corrupting power and influence—so we do not douse the hard truths of Your word with the waters of cowardice and compromise.

Lord, as we pray for Your kingdom to come, help us to realize that Your kingdom comes by Your will, Your power, Your might, not ours. Teach us to be humble subjects surrendered to Your purpose. Teach us to be instruments of Your will—not usurpers of Your authority, would-be controllers of our own destiny. Deliver Your church from evil.

Yours, Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty and the splendor, for everything in heaven and earth is Yours. Yours, Lord, is the kingdom; You are exalted as head over all (1 Chronicles 29:11).


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