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Writer's pictureAlisa B.

Daily Affirmations - Hope for the Sunshine Tomorrow - Day 3

The whole earth is filled with awe at Your wonders; where morning dawns, where evening fades, You call forth songs of joy (Psalm 65:8).

Our Father, hallowed be Your name. How many are Your works, Lord! In wisdom You made them all...(Psalm 104:24). You set in motion the rhythms and cycles of this vast universe—wonders we cannot begin to grasp or comprehend. All sustained by the powerful word of the Son of God seated at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven (Hebrews 1:3).

O Lord the wonders of creation around us call forth songs of joy, and praise, and worship. We thank You for the marvels that fill our eyes, ears, and senses. Thank You for the incredible herbs, each distinct in smell, in taste, in flavor. Thank You for the beautiful flowers, the bright-green grass, and the stately trees.

Thank You for the birds, and the butterflies. Thank You for the bees and the agents of pollination that You created to reproduce and propagate, and renew, and replenish.

Thank You for evening and morning, day and night, summer and winter, dry spells and rainy seasons. Thank You for sequence and succession, beginnings and endings. Thank You for sustaining, continuing, upholding.

As we see Your awesome, sovereign power and wisdom in creation, may we see the parallels in the spiritual realm. Help us to trust you through our evenings and mornings, days and nights, summers and winters, dry spells and rainy seasons. Help us to trust You through our sequences and successions, beginnings and endings.

We thank You for the agents, and the systems of reproduction and propagation, renewal and replenishment that You have set in motion for our spiritual well-being. Even though we often do not understand them.

If we stop to think, Lord, we don't understand how they work in the physical realm either, but we see the evidence of Your mighty all-sustaining power. And we trust You day by day to cause the sun to rise and to set. We trust You to set in motion all the markers and the boundaries and the systems and the processes that create and maintain life.

Father, in the same way, help us not to miss the evidence of Your all-sustaining power in the physically unseen areas of our life. Help us to trust You with the markers and the boundaries, the systems and the processes that You deem important and necessary for our spiritual life and growth.

Teach us to have the steadfast hope that for those who revere Your name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its rays. (Malachi 4:2). Call forth songs of praise in our cycles of evening and morning, day and night, summer and winter. Thank You for Your daily sufficient grace.


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