“Go,” [Jesus] told him, “wash in the Pool of Siloam” (this word means “Sent”). So the man went and washed, and came home seeing (John 9:7).
Father, we praise You, we honor You, we worship You. You created us, You know how we are formed (Psalm 103:14).
O Lord, You know more than anyone the many challenges we encounter as a result of living in a broken world; fallen far from Your perfection. We struggle not just with spiritual challenges, but also with our physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing.
And yet, Lord, You discouraged Your disciples—for their benefit and for ours—from trying to specifically connect sin to physical challenges. We are so limited in vision, in knowledge, and in understanding. You alone are God—You alone understand the details of every struggle, every challenge, every trial.
Thank You for Your grace and Your healing power. Thank You that You hear us when we cry out to You. We have seen You work in so many different ways—You speak, You touch, You apply, You teach, You send. Sometimes You heal in stages (Mark 8:23-25), and sometimes, as with this blind man in John 9:7, You heal in multiple steps. First, Lord, You applied salve to his blind eyes, then sent him to wash in the Pool of Siloam.”
We know, Lord, that ultimately all healing comes from You. And in our times, as in times past, You often work through the channels of medicine and science. Thank You for the wonders of modern medicine and advanced technology. Thank You for the ways You heal through them.
Give us wisdom in navigating through the available options. Keep us from excesses and abuses. Give us the knowledge and the discernment we need to be good stewards of the health You have given us, as much as it lies within our power.
Father, we pray for those who do not have access to health care, and we pray for those who receive little help or relief from what is available. O Lord, help! We lift their pain and suffering to You. Give them the endurance they need.
Lord, we struggle so much to understand life, and the reason for pain, but help us to be open to the working of Your grace, and to lean on You in simple surrender. We do not always understand Your ways—help us to trust Your heart, Your sovereignty, and Your wisdom.
And Father, even as we cry out for our physical needs, You know the needs and the longings of each soul. O Lord, You long to give us Your salve to heal our spiritual blindness (Revelation 3:18)—You long to wash us in Your rivers of grace. Help us to hear Your voice that sends, that says, "Go wash" in Your pools of mercy. Help us to obey You in simple surrender.