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Writer's pictureAlisa B.

Welcome to Practical Faith Living - Meeting God in the Everyday

Updated: Aug 14, 2022

I'm Alisa, and my website and blog Practical Faith Living, center on the inseparable nature of life and faith; the experience of God in everyday life—from the routine and the mundane, to the mind-boggling and the extraordinary!

As I think of the Psalmist's question, "When (Where) can I go and meet with God?"(Psalm 42:2), I believe that the desire for God is lodged deep within our souls. That universally the cry of the human heart is the same as it was for Job, "If only I knew where to find Him; if only I could go to His dwelling!" (Job 23:3).

Yet, according to the apostle Paul, “He is not far from any one of us, ‘for in Him we live and move and have our being.’” Hymn writer Maltbie D. Babcock expresses it so well, "In the rustling grass I hear Him pass, He speaks to me everywhere." (This is My Father's World 1901).

Tropical trees and flowers with foliage
Montreal Gardens, St. Vincent and the Grenadines

Taking up the Mantle

For me, the concept of God in the everyday is both simple and complex. Even though I know intellectually that God is over all and through all and in all (Ephesians 4:6), yet so many times in my life, I have had to say, after the fact like Jacob, "Surely the Lord is in this place; and I was not aware of it" (Genesis 28:16).

A case in point was when my mother started a "homemade" newsletter called Practical Faith Living a few short months before her death. It was quite some time before I understood the need to continue the hope and heritage that she passed on to me, and to those around her. And it was even longer before I understood that none of it is mine to keep, but to share with all who long for hope, healing, and meaning in a crazy, chaotic, mixed-up, world.

Invitation to a Journey

Mountain path - green mountains against blue sky with fluffy white clouds

My prayer, and my goal for this website is that others would join me on the journey to experience God in the everyday. Each page seeks to affirm that surely, He is present in every facet of life.

The Home Page includes a little more of my mother's story and the mission and vision for Practical Faith Living. And the Hope and Heritage page shows how the story continues, woven in the fabric of everyday life—from kitchen wisdom to deep spiritual insights—from work issues and household mundanities to relationship matters and life lessons —all with God at the center.

The Hope and Heritage subtabs, Pray, Teach, Affirm, seek to keep the focus on what is essential, and authentic, and life-sustaining, for us and for future generations. An affirmation theme will be published weekly and then affirmations connected to the theme will be published daily. The Pray and Teach tabs will be updated regularly with new content.

As I begin this journey, I pray for feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace (Ephesians 6:15). I invite you to lace up and come along!

How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, “Your God reigns!” (Isaiah 52:7)


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